Chakras: The Energy Within. ~ Amanda Ramcharitar
Energy is something that is not easy to comprehend.
It is something that can be felt, such as a warming sensation in the embrace of another or felt like fear from the barking of a dog. Energy is found within everything; it can be dense matter or ethereal thoughts.
It has been said that by bringing the body and mind to stillness, energy resides in several conscious centers within us. Internally, these seven major energy centers have been known to many cultures through ancient history as the chakra system. The mental phenomenon of the West has delineated these layers of our being to a sleeping shadow within.
We have developed our mental, analytical mind so much that we mostly are not aware of these energetic intelligences at work within us, except through instinctual or random behavior. It should be recognized as imperative to know these energy centers within our bodies, as they have much wider importance to a person’s general health and wellbeing than we normally give credit.
The seven main chakras are distributed into four parts of the body, each corresponding to a level of energetic vibration:
Muladhara Chakra (root, coccyx)
The functions of this chakra include physical, emotional grounding, tending to survival needs, taking basic care of body, safety, security and stillness. It controls physical being, sexual impulses and is also attuned to the deeper primal subconscious. The body parts associated with this chakra are the base of the spine, the legs, feet, large intestine and genito-uninary system.
Svadisthana Chakra (hips, sacrum, genitals)
The Svadisthana Chakra’s function is to be one’s own place or base. It also functions to have emotional, sensual movement of life, which is at ease with going with flow, sensuality, emotions, intimacy, desire, circulation, urination, menstruation, orgasm, tears. It corresponds to lower vibrations/feelings of jealousy, envy, desire and anger. The body parts associated are the hips, sacrum, lower back, genitals, womb, bladder and kidneys.
Manipura Chakra (naval, solar plexus)
This chakra is involved with self-esteem, a “warrior” energy.” It gives the power of transformation, governs digestion, metabolism, can take risks, assert our will, take responsibility for our life. It controls actions such as ambition, possession and conquest.
Anahata Chakra (heart center, upper chest, upper back)
It is the balancing point that integrates world of matter with world of spirit. This chakra opens and connects with harmony and peace. It controls our emotional being through the emotions of love and hatred. It is interconnected with breathing and the functions of the lungs and heart.
Visuddha Chakra (neck, throat, jaw, and mouth)
This chakra resonates with our inner truth and helps us find a personal way to convey our voice to the outside world. The communication we make through writing and speaking are all fifth chakra ways to express ourselves. Sound is related to this chakra, hence the effects of music on our being. It is linked with the respiratory organs.
Ajna Chakra (third eye, space between brow)
This chakra is known as “the perception center.” The sixth chakra is located between and just above the physical eyes, creating a subtle vision, known as the the “third eye.” It controls the will and dynamism of our mental activities. While our two eyes see the material world, our sixth chakra sees beyond the physical and intellectual activities. The sixth chakra is involved in the creation, perception, imagination and recognition of what we see. This Chakra is fed and influenced by what we see internally and externally. It is linked with the brain and secretory functions of the pituitary glands.
Sahasrara Chakra (crown/top of head)
This chakra serves as the crown of the chakra system; it has the overall control of every aspect of the body and mind. It communicates with the higher mental realms known as the illumined mind/intuitive mind. It creates the belief systems that control our thoughts and actions. Meditation is the yogic practice best suited for bringing this chakra into balance, which allows the mind to become more present, clear and insightful.
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